Monday, April 12, 2010

AAG Week is Finally Here! UCSB/SDSU Gathering scheduled for Friday

The time has finally come to pack your bags for DC! There's a link to the UCSB/SDSU presents in the left sidebar if you'd like to find out about the current research taking place in our department and with other spatial thinkers on our campus. We'll also be meeting up on Friday night at the local pub. Here are the details:

UCSB - SDSU Pub Study
Fri Apr 16th, 6:30pm - 9:30pm

Murphy's Irish Pub is located at 2609 24th Street Northwest Washington, DC 20008-2640
Drop by the Irish pub across the street from the Wardman Park Marriott after the Waldo Tobler Distinguished Lecture in GIScience for a few beers with the UCSB-SDSU AAG attendees.

Live entertainment features Sanford Markley:
Drawing from a wealth of Sanford's compelling original songs, his engaging stage presence and soaring vocals have been captivating audiences for nearly two decades. When their voices merge, their tight harmonies have a way of making songs seem both personal and anthemic. Sanford's deft guitar work creates a third voice - percussive and vibrant. His unique style displays cascading counter melodies, warm tones which rise, fall, swell and surge between the notes and chords of the vocals. Sanford Markley's website:

Murphy's of DC
2609 24th Street Northwest
Washington, DC 20008-2640

Get Directions
(202) 462-7171