Thursday, November 19, 2009

Student Research Competition: Graduate Student Affinity Group

Pre-Application Due: December 20, 2009
Full Proposal Due: February 5, 2010

The award winner will be contacted shortly before the upcoming AAG Annual Meeting in Washington DC and will be announced at the GSAG business meeting.

Applications are now being accepted for the Research Award Competition of the Graduate Student Affinity Group (GSAG) of the AAG.

The awards are $500.00 to support M.A. or Ph.D. research. Proposals are accepted for research to be conducted anytime through January 2011

Graduate students working on any aspect of geographical research (social or physical sciences, qualitative or quantitative methods) are encouraged to apply. Proposals will be evaluated based on the clarity of research proposal, including specification of research problem, context, and methods, as well as the intended use of the award.

The award winner will be contacted shortly before the upcoming AAG Annual Meeting in Washington DC and will be announced at the GSAG business meeting.


Only fully completed applications will be considered. Applicants must provide a short pre-application (due December 20, 2009), and a full proposal (due February 5, 2010).

Applicants (1) must be enrolled in a Masters or Ph.D. graduate degree program in geography or related discipline, and (2) must be a current member of the GSAG.

The recipient of the funds will use them towards the completion of a graduate research project (as part of a Master’s or Ph.D. thesis or dissertation), and will be required to submit a brief summary of their research project and use of the award for the GSAG newsletter. In the event research supported through the award is published in a scholarly journal, an acknowledgment of GSAG financial support would be appreciated. Note that funds provided by GSAG cannot be used for travel to conferences and must be applied toward the completion of all or part of your research project.


We are requesting that all applicants submit a short pre-application form by December 20, 2009 (5:00 pm EST) to Nicholas Crane at crane.61[at], or Chris Riley at riley.212[at] This ensures that we have time to contact appropriate reviewers for the submissions.

The pre-application will include:

  1. Your name, contact information, and affiliation
  2. The names of your primary research advisor and committee members (if known)
  3. A brief bio (emphasizing your area of interest/specialization, current research, and intended use for the award) of no more than 250 words.
After submitting a pre-application, applicants will have until February 5, 2010 to submit a full award proposal to Nicholas Crane at crane.61[at], or Chris Riley at riley.212[at]

In two pages or less – single spaced, 1 inch margins, no smaller than 12 point font of Times New Roman, Garamond, or similar – proposal will include:

  1. Project title
  2. Project description (topic, objectives, situation in relevant literature, theoretical framework, background information, etc)
  3. Research methods (“methodology,” or how you intend to address your research questions)
  4. Budget justification (how you will use the funds towards the completion of your research project – travel expenses, purchase of software or other necessary equipment, laboratory fees, etc.)

Allowable beyond the two pages of text:

  1. Works cited
  2. An additional page of figures

Please submit the pre-application and full proposal in a Word or PDF document by the deadlines indicated above. No late or incomplete submissions will be accepted. Based upon the quality of proposals and available resources the GSAG reserves the right to 1) offer more than one award or 2) no award.

Please direct questions to Nicholas Crane at crane.61[at] or Chris Riley at riley.212[at] Also, feel free to distribute this announcement to your department, your colleagues, and any pertinent research listservs.

Student Paper Competition: Graduate Student Affinity Group

Abstracts Due: December 20, 2009
Full Papers Due: February 5, 2010

The Graduate Student Affinity Group (GSAG) is pleased to announce the 2010 GSAG Student Paper Competition. The competition seeks to promote the dissemination of graduate student research through written and oral presentations. Papers are invited from current students on any topic and specialty area within geography. Submissions must be presented by the author as part of the upcoming AAG Annual Meeting in Washington DC. We do not require that they are part of a session sponsored by the GSAG.

Students interested in participating should submit their abstract (of 250 words or less) to the GSAG by December 20, 2009, and an electronic copy of their paper, in full, including figures and references, by February 5, 2010. No late or incomplete submissions will be accepted.

Submissions should be sent to Phil Birnie at birnie.1[at] For more details, please contact Phil Birnie, Student Paper Competition Chair, at birnie.1[at] or Nicholas Crane, GSAG Chair, at crane.61[at]

Award Amounts: There are three awards available in this competition.1 1st place will receive $200; 2nd place will receive $100; 3rd place will receive $75

Details of the paper competition:
Paper submissions must:

  • Conform to Annals of the AAG Style Sheet
  • Be a research paper (review and concept papers will not be judged)
  • Be limited to 4000 words not including figures or references. (Papers of more than 4000 words will not be considered)
  • Be based upon original research for which the graduate student is the lead author

This competition is open to all graduate students presenting original research of which they are lead author. Papers must be presented at AAG. Students must be fully registered for the conference and members of the GSAG at the time of submission (dues are currently $2).

Winner Expectations:
We encourage students to publish winning manuscripts in academic journals. If a winning manuscript appears in print, an acknowledgement of financial support from the GSAG would be appreciated. Winners will be announced during the GSAG’s annual business meeting at the AAG Annual Meeting.